Monday, January 11, 2010

Menu plan Monday 1/11

Holy moly. It's Monday already? Where did last week go? Well, it must be meal planning time again. Some of last weeks meals were more productive than anticipated. By the time the ham was all gone my children were strongly considering a kosher lifestyle. This means that the short ribs got moved to Tuesday. This Friday is movie night at my kids school. Insted of buying pizza from the PTA I will bake my own pizza at home and bring it with us. Not only will this save us some money, but I make better pizza than Dominos. So without further ado, here it is:

Sunday - Thai chicken salad

Tuesday - short ribs

Thursday - white chicken chili

Friday - movie night pizza

Saturday - swedish meatballs

Sunday - crunchy baked pork chops

- Posted by Krista from my iPhone


  1. YUM.!

    You are the last person I need to confirm for Survivor! Let me know ASAP if you're up for a weekly challenge to stay in the game! Then we'll pick characters!

    xoxo supah

    NVA? i used to live there.

  2. Every time I read your weekly menu I get really envious and want you to invite me over for dinner!

  3. Yum! Tell me about the Thai Chicken Salad!
