Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The one where I reinvent myself

I may have mentioned that Friday is my birthday. (I have?? Oh, just saying). After 35 years of life I think that it is time to completely reinvent myself. I'm going to become a sexy brunette ski instructor. Wha? Kids? Husband? Mortgage?? Okay....instead I'm going to completely reinvent my design site.

When I initially started delinquent designs it seemed like a good idea. Domestic designs was already taken, so delinquent design seemed like the next logical choice. In retrospect perhaps a bit short sighted. The name "Delinquent Designs" may not convey the professional attitude I'm trying to develop. After much soul and web searching I'm changing my professional name to Rocky Run Design. I'm also going to extend my free favicon offer. So please stop on by and get a free favicon. If you already have one, stop by anyway. For the next few weeks I'll be hosting fun contests and giveaways to help spiff up your blog! Don't miss out!!
- Posted by Krista from my iPhone